Monday, 12 October 2009

fareeda scarf

currently i'm so addicted to awning scarf especially Ariani....the reasons is because it is so simple,fast and nice!!no brooch here n need to wear inner scarf n so on....and tak risau tudung senget ke kelepet ke...

actually, before i started wearing awning scarf..i'm a loyal fans of tudung bawal and tie rack scarf...untill now i'm still wearing tie rack scarf on and off but boleh kira dgn jari dalam sebulan...

i started wearing awning sacrf with Hajaba...and after that i tried Ariani and found that it is more comfoortable and stick with it till today...

but as i read through keluarga magazine last month...i've read about fareeda scarf and i think that the design look nice and not bad...but in terms of comfortability i'm not so sure since i haven't try the scarf yet....any of u is wearing fareeda scarf now???how do u find it??can u guys give me some opinions??

tgk model2 ni pakai memang cantik...tapi bila aku yang pakai???


  1. cantik. saya pun berkira-kira nak pakai tudung sepenuhnya gak ni...

  2. haah...cun kan...cuma tu la mai x pernah tgk real lagi. ke..bagus la tu farrah,nanti kite bley shopping tudung same2 bila kita same2 dpt cek!!

  3. akak dah lama berangankan tudung fareeda nin...tapi puas cari kat Jln TAR takde pun...padahal iklan tulis outlet nyer kat Jlan TAR...last2 skrg ni pakai selendang jek...

  4. salam mai.. cantik kan tudung fareeda ni. My fren is a dealer. Dia keje kat putrajaya. Kalau nak tgk, just lemme know k.

  5. sue : owh ye ke?boleh tak mintak kwn sue tu email or contact mai.

  6. kak haidah: itu la..mai nk try dulu fareeda ni,sometimes ada tudung yg tak kene dgn muka n size badan kita kan..mai ni kecik,kang kalau pakai yg gedabak punya tudung...aduhaiiiii...makin tenggelam kang...heheh

  7. To ALL TieRack Scarf LOvers....5 November 2009 at 14:00

    visit us for Tie Rack scarves at buy more and pay less!!!
