Tuesday, 4 May 2010

kene tipu???

Currently i'm using this Nokia E71 mobile phone
i've been using it for almost 4 months
and its performance....??was really bad now..!!!:-(:-(
i guess i dah kene tipu....they are giving me the recond one instead of yg original...
sometimes....tgh cakap,suddenly putus...
kejap teroff....kejap ter-on....mcm berhantu
and yang paling manghangitkan
at time...dia off tak boleh on-on dahhh....
this is soooo bad
menggendalakan segala urusan saya....
and one more..bila org call selalu x dpt.....goshhh!!!
.i shud go back to the shop
and claim for warranty rite??
or buang masa je...
trade in and get the Brand New Phone lagi bagus kan...
maybe i can get this

or this one......


  1. i phone laa...i ley pinjam main game time abes kelas..ehehehhe :p and further more,takde keypad2 yg akan dimakan oleh piranha...:p

  2. hahaha.....ye,i rasa pun betul,pinranha comel i dh x boleyy gigit and makan keypad2 handphone i lagi....:p

  3. dua2 best,better best iphonelah,hehehehe
