Sunday, 28 March 2010

Why I choose to be a Full Time BusinessWomen…??!!!

1. I manage my own time…I am the boss..i am the workers,I nak masuk kerja pukul 8am ke 9am or 10am ke….takde siapa nak marah.

2. No more office attire….as long as it is presentable depan client,boleyy saja…..jeans & trendy blouse + accessories would always be my choice…:-p

3. No more 8am-5pm stuck at the office…I hate that!!!reallyyy….

4. Money works for me…:-)

5. No stress at all…business makes me happy….

6. Working 8-5pm everyday and I got pay at 3k ONLY….business at average 2hrs daily and I got double double double than my salary…..isn’t interesting??

7. More time with my kids..more time at home…yippee….i can have a breakfast with my kids more often…and more activities together…I love this!!!

8. Dengan buat biz..rezeki kita direct dengan Allah…mendekatkan lagi diri kita dengan Allah..sentiasa Doa,Usaha..Ikhtiar dan Tawakal kepada Allah.

9. More busy I am….means more money goes into my pocket….if I’m working with people…more busy I am..more money goes into the company account……I felt soo not worth it..!!

10. Rasa berbaloi sbb busy & working hard untuk diri sendiri…sendiri dpt untung 100%.....

11. Business adalah sesuatu yang boleh diwarisi kepada anak2….confirm!!

12. FREE Holiday…!!! i love it….

13. I make new frens everyday…meeting people..get to know each other and helping each other….

14. Relationship with business partner very closed…

15. And of course….my life has change 360degree for the past one year…how bout yours??


  1. Sume tu btul2, TAPI yang No. 9 tu LAGI BETUL!!! sakit hati je kdg2, company untung juta2 tapi bonus or increment tak SETIMPAL! dan peng-agihan bonus/increment bergantung kepada boss, kalau kuat kipas, banyak la dapat kots.. kan? Renung-renungkan... Tunggu apa lagi? masih mengharap tahun depan rezeki akan berubah? kalau diri sendiri tak berubah rezeki tetap akan sama sahaja...

  2. wah! mai dah brenti keje ke? good luck mai!
