Thursday, 3 December 2009

New Blazer.....!!!

i'm searching for a NEW black coat/blazer!!!
it seems like i need more than one black coat now...
sbb byk event company yang nak kene pakai coat/blazer
i have one blazer which is...the one that i'm still using it now...
i need something different this time..not just a normal blazer!!!
coincidentally i've received sms from dorothy perkins boutique yesterday
they are having SALE now...!!!
and after browsing tru their website...
i need to choose one of theese jacket

elegent kan yg ni...x over sgt..

yang ini ok look!!
yang ini girlish & too feminine...
yang ni ganas la plak..
and this one

sangat cute okeh...tapi x sesuai utk formal event,utk jalan2 sesuaiiii sgt especially nak g holiday!!!


  1. i rasa yg semua kat atas tu semua x sesuai formal. kalau kuar gi jenjalan bole la kot. go to warehouse byk blazer yg chic n sleek. nicee! ur size mesti ade ;)

  2. Go for number 1. yeah..elegant and stylo at the same time..;)
