i had a migrain today...huhuhu,actually since morning i don't feel good as usual...rasa macam sesak otak je...dari awal pagi pukul 8.30am dah klua pi site and my job at site finished at 12pm...can u guys imagine??so...after that baru terasa kepala berdenyut2 semacam and sampai la petang ni....huhuhu...
actually saya pengidap migrain yang agak teruk,at least seminggu sekali mesti sakit kepala,lately ni makin busy makin kerap...:(:(
dah cuba macam2 cara,makan itu ini and untill the doc said stop taking the postan cause it can give bad side effects to my body....
but untill now i still can't find solution utk penyakit saya...is there any alternatif that i can try??i've heard bekam boleh membantu...tapi saya takottt!!!bukan ke nanti kene botak kepala??heheh....
mai, sha kalo migrain i take synflex 500g.. postan tu x sesuai gn sha. mkn pun still xde effect.
ReplyDeleteorg kata minum 100 plus letak garam sket or minum teh o kurg manis.. lagi bgus kalo xde gula.. minum suam2 gitu. insyaALLAH its release the pain.
salam dear...maybe u can try AKUBEKAM.dari pengalaman my dad sgt2 berkesan and they're very clean and hygiene sgt dijaga.lagipon bekam tu sunnah kan..:)i pon tak pernah try,i think kat shah alam ada,TTDI pun ada.
ReplyDeleteooh i tak tau plak u ade migraine. Erm tak elok u amek postan tu dosage dia terlalu tinggi.
ReplyDeletedulu i pun penghidap migraine truk. so the least u cud do try to avoid coffee. tido awal.
ni some info i found on the internet...
Wake up at the same time each day. Disrupting your natural sleep patterns encourages migraines. Avoid fatigue and get plenty of rest.
Analyze your personality. There is some evidence that hard-driving perfectionist types are more prone to get migraines. Relax.
Avoid allergens. For some people, concentrated sweets (especially chocolate), milk, aged cheese, processed foods
hope this will help
sha : hmm..tuh la postan tuh actually bahaya.kalau dh terlalu byk consume x elok.synflex tu beli kat farmasi ye??doc ada buat test...doc ckp my brain is actively running..tuh yg cepat dpt sakit..even time tido pun mcm x rest..huhuhu....
ReplyDeletepetua 100 plus ngan teh tuh baru first time dengar..boley lah cube...:)thanks sha...:):)
adriana : owh...AKUBEKAM ye..hmm,baru dgr jugak ni,tapi tuh la...dia botak kepala ke tak..hhuhuhu....takott sakit pon ye jugak.
ReplyDeletehanis : thats why,doc pun ckp mcm tuh...i now boleh amik paling kuat pun active fast..tapi tuh la..setakat active fast memang x jalan la kan.
ReplyDeletehaaa??avoid coffee and tido awal??uishhh...kalau u nak tau i memang wajib minum coffe/nescafe 2 kali sehari and tido x pernah awal...paling awal i tido pukul 1 pagi....maybe this is the reason la u.and waktu tido i memang x tetap...
avoid fatigue??plenty of rest??oh..no..no..no...mane ade masa kite nak rest,kerja/business/anak...huhuhu...i got it...ini semua memang penyebabnye...i rasa x ingat bile last time i lepak2 depan tv bersantai2...hihihi,dh lama x bersenang lenang...huhuhu...adakah aku x punya life...kehkehkeh....
ReplyDeletebloghoping terjumpa your blog
just nk share sikit
my family mmg semua ada penyakit migrain
mcm2 dah try.semua jenis supplement
but now ni my family try DCL
dgn kuasa Allah mmg migrain dah x ada
mmg susah nk dpt.
kalau ada pon x heavy...
if u have more budget ambil product 5P dia..(DCL punya produk la)..lagi cepat sbb dia cuci dalam badan..toksin semua..dalam bentuk pil la..
if u have less budget u just blh minum kopi red guara dia je..mmg migrain dah kurang..or almost dah x ada...kopi dia amal setiap hari la..kopi dia mmg sedap..paket kecik2...blh minum kt ofis semua sng..amalkan...kopi dia sedap...lemak berkrim...for me lagi sedap lagi dari caramel latte starbuck or any cofee house...
if u want to know how to find DCL email me....
try dlu..if u puas hati blh promote dkt org lain plak...membantu sambil berbisnes...suke tgk org sihat...
p/s:if berkesan to u and nk tmbah bisnes blh la join DCL sekali..and join under me if sudi..try first the product...
laa patut laa.. try avoid coffee for awhile. i pun dulu selalu kene migraine. now dah stop. i stop taking coffee for sometimes already.. cuma minum pun kalau gi starbucks je. so sgt la jarang2.
ReplyDeletemaimanas : hye!!waa..very gud info ye..ok2..nanti i nk try product ni i akan ctc u ya.
ReplyDeletehanis : owhhhh...kene stop minum coffee ke..aduhhh!!ngantuk la i...i ni dh mcm addicted to coffee..kalau x dpt sehari rasa mcm x bermaya...
ReplyDeletehave u tried alpha lipid colostrum? insyaallah will help you with yr migrain problem.it's natural, it's safe.my mum pon suffered frm migrain.dya ckp rs mcm nk hantuk kpala kt dinding ble kena migrain:(
anything, pls email me for the info.