Thursday, 21 May 2009

saya sudah pakai braces

today i take another leave, my appointment with the dentist actually at 9.30am, but after sending both my daughter and son to the baby sitter, saya balik rumah sekejap and reply emails and update sales blog sikit....and buat2 keje rumah...dah 9.30!!alamak...dh lambat la pulak...tapi takpe, dentist tu kawan saye...heheh, so i called her and inform her that i'll be late, so dia boleh layan patient lain dulu la....end up..i reach her clinic at 11am...after dh pegi bank n etc....

my appointment today adalah utk pakai braces, we have a short discussion before putting the braces on my teeth....owh, baru aku tau,kene amik acuan gigi,best pulak masa dia amik acuan gigi...dia punye acuan tu pulak cute..color pink...hihihi, tapi lupa la pulak nk snap gambar time tu...and after that discussion on type of braces that i'm going to wear....ade 3 types yg my fren offer...the first one yg conventional punya, yg stainless steel tu..yg boleh pakai dengan getah colourful(cantik yg ni..saya suke..sbb boleh choose color yg gedik2)....the second one yg clear...means that org tak nampak yg kite pakai braces sbb dia punye bracket tu clear.and the third one yg the latest one...dia mcm braces conventional, stainless steel, but no need to use rubber utk hold the wire...because dia ade clip..this one...the doctor claims faster and comfortable...actually saya dh berangan nk pakai yg colourful tu tapi bila fikir2 yg the 3rd one is more effective and efficient eventough the price is the i decide to wear the 3rd type......they call it lotus type....

u can read further info about this here.....

and i'm wearing this..........NOW!!!







*** sebenarnye dulu mak saya dah suruh pakai, banyak kali dia suruh...dari sekolah menengah lagi...tapi saya penakut dgn doc gigi...pulak mak saya nk bwk g hosp kerajaan nk suruh pakai mende alah ni, ye la tak dia tak mampu nk bwk g pakai kat private hosp memandangkan kami bukan org,lagi la aku laa...dulu kan bila ckp je klinik kerajaan, org kaitkan dgn sakit la,doc ganas,nurse garang..n etc. saya ni memang la allergic dgn doc gigi...kalau boleh tak mau jumpe pun doc gigi, takut giler...giler punye takut.

tapi hakikatnye...sakit tu..kat mane2 tetap sakit, private ke gov ke...same je..cuma in terms of service je ni bila dh ade duit sendiri, and hati pun dh terbukak nk alhamdulillah...hopefully gigi ku semakin sihat dan tersusun mulai hari ini...heheh....tak sabar nk balik rumah mak sabtu ni..nak tunjuk...hihihi...."mak...saya sudah pakai ini bende.....maksudnye saya dh ikut la ckp mak...heheh..:-p"


  1. rajin2 pakai bila dah removed braces,pakai retainer tak rajin pastu kedudukan gigi ada 'lari' sket.

    good luck!

  2. ke suzie..brape lame nk pakai retainer tu ye?

  3. dentist tu ckp pakai 24hours for 6months except masa nak makan,buka la kejap...n lepas 6bln pakai waktu malam je tp sy malas.lgpun retainer ni utk tighnten the gums sbb gusi blm kuat lps buka braces.

    owh nak tanya apa2 psl braces,u may to do so =)
    hubby suruh pakai semula tp sy takut kena marah dgn dentist psl tak dgr arahan dia dulu lgpun cost akan bertambah..sedih..

  4. hi..suke baca entry ini. i pun mula pakai braces bila da tua. masuk 30 baru ada modal nk pakai. ya la dr keluarga biasa2 je, manala mampu nk pakai besi kt gigi, but bila pakai dgn duit sendiri ni, terasa lagi confident tau. mak! saya pun da pakai benda ni n da bukak pun, i love d result! gd luck to u ya ;)

  5. suzie : owh ok.....i ingat after pakai braces, tu je,hihi..jakun jap.alrite will refer to u if igot anymore questions..thanks.

    snowiffy : ha'ah tu ni dh ade duit sendiri boleh la pakai...i pun berdebar, hopfully the result will be good...thanks!

  6. kak mai,berapa cost $ nak pakai braces ni?kalo leh bagi cost ke-3 type tu pun ok gak :)
